Mount Rainier in Washington

Want to climb something made of fire and ice? Mount Rainier in Washington state is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, and yet it is also covered in a considerable amount of glacial ice. As one of the tallest and iciest climbs in the lower 48 states, this one isn’t for …

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Visit to Yosemite National Park in California

Visit to Yosemite National Park in California is a massive attraction for rock climbers all over the world, but the piece de resistance is granite monolith El Capitan. September/October mean very small waterfalls, and not very many waterfalls.  Weekends are still crowded though not as bad as July/August. Usually all parts of the park are accessible …

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Places to Go Rock Climbing in California

Northern California Rock climbers in Northern California will be hard pressed to find a better climbing area than Lassen National Park near Redding. This park features a 10,000-foot volcanic dome, hot springs and a variety of crags that are excellent for climbing. The largest crag in the park is known as Bellybutton, and it has …

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What gear do you need to climb outdoors?

If you’ve never climbed before or have only climbed outdoors, the equipment used for tackling real rock can seem mysterious, exciting and expensive. You don’t need to melt your credit card just yet, though. It’s always best to start climbing outdoors in the company of an experienced climber. You could join a club, book a course, hire …

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Guidelines for Safe Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a previously defined route without falling. Rock climbing competitions have objectives of completing the route in the quickest possible time or …

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Great Places to Rock Climb for Beginners

Often times we are approached by individuals that are interested in rock climbing, but do not have friends with common interests or know where would be best for them to go. Most of the local outdoor rock climbing areas require equipment and knowledge that is a bit ahead of a rock climbing beginner. Other indoor …

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What Gear Will I Need for Rock Climbing

This is a great question we hear frequently from students: What gear will I need for rock climbing? Most try rock climbing and once they like the sport enough to invest in it, they start shopping for gear around town or online. Like I mentioned on a previous post, “Spending a little, saves you a …

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What rock climbing class should I take? – Advanced (Part 3 of 3)

After learning beginner knots, how to belay, and anchors people often ponder, what rock climbing class should I take next? The next step would be learning to lead routes. Yes, leading is a very important aspect of climbing, because there are many routes out there that do not have easy access to set up Top Rope, therefore you …

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My second outdoor rock climbing trip…

“This weekend with Dennis H. Taylor, Olga Ortiz, Chris Rodriguez and group of others who are not on Facebook… spent two amazing days in Joshua Tree Rock Climbing. This was my second trip of actual rock climbing and my fourth time climbing ever. I swore I would never rock climb after some serious rock wall …

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Rock climbing . . . Educate yourself.

When it comes to doing our jobs, we strive to always do our best and make sure we are knowledgeable enough to conduct our daily duties. This same concept applies to many aspects of our lives, not just work. So when we get outside and do activities for fitness or entertainment it is important to …

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