Another inspiring student . . .

Here is another inspiring student. Who managed to join us the week after her class for more climbing.

Practice makes perfect . . .

When you learn new skills, make the effort to put this new learnings into practice, inside or outside. You don’t need a big rock to practice knots, anchors, or how to belay. Practice, practice, practice. Everything comes together and falls into place with lots of repetition.

Get started rock climbing

One of the most important items for any beginner climber should be, to find others who share the same interest. Let’s face it, the sport requires two people or more. Find indoor or outdoor climbing courses around you. Get a lesson or two, and don’t be shy. Everyone was a beginner once, and most climbers …

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Spending a little, saves you a lot…

Some of you may wonder what equipment to buy for outdoor rock climbing. When and where to get it. That is one of the first questions we get from our students when they take their first class. Some benefits to purchasing your own equipment You will use it, you know where it has been, you …

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Why are there designated areas to climb?

This weekend we are visiting the New Jack City rock formations. One of many popular sport climbing areas in Southern California. Some of you may wonder what and why do people go to specific areas designated or frequently visited by climbers. As a beginner, it is important to have sufficient information on routes to remain …

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