Learning to Rock Climb in Los Angeles

Why am I so intrigued to climbing semi-vertical rocks outdoors? Because is actually possible.

I am sure that rock climbing, just as well as climbing trees, existed way before it was ever made oficial. It was first called a sport back in the 1880’s and made it to the Olympics in 2020, but due to COVID-19 pandemic it was postponed to 2021.

Now that the sport has hit the ground running, or should I say “hit the rocks running”, there are countless adventurers and explorers defying gravity and discovering that rock climbing is easier than it looks. Many times I hear people say that they are not strong enough, or in shape enough, or hot enough, or wealthy enough. Then I turn around and see “couch potatoes” in their sweatpants who show up to climb outdoors with a cup of Starbucks and flip flops. Yes, and I am not speaking of the beautiful woman in the photo, she is actually wearing perfect athletic gear for the occasion.

The truth is, we all climb every single day, or at least most of us do. If you climb into bed, out of bed, on a ladder, up a staircase, down a staircase, into a building with one step, out of a chair, into a chair, into your car, out of your car (Yes, the car counts too!), then you have experienced climbing in some shape or form. If you can clean windows for thirty minutes or wisk a cake batter by hand, your arms are strong enough. If you can walk for 30 minutes, your legs are strong enough.

We are proud to provide Outdoor Rock Climbing Classes and Adventures, plus vertical Rappelling Session that will create great memories, give you a sense of accomplishment, and at the same time help us educate you on the fundamentals of outdoor safety.

The learning process for outdoor rock climbing is fun and comes easier when you are given proper advice from a professional rock climbing instructor. Instructors have extensive training in fundamentals of safety and provide the perfect ground for making your transition into climbing a much better one. In addition to that, you can rely on their expertise, great technique tips, and the appropriate equipment setup needed to begin your climbing journey on a top-rope system that will increase confidence during your vertical climbing experience.

Want to learn rock climbing outdoors? We have the trained staff and equipment to make your outdoor experience a great one.